96 hours in (84 hours post op)

The Patient is doing well! Still no pain and he has one drain in. His voice is stronger but is a long term recovery. The docs say that the part of the voicebox remaining should compensate for the area lost but re-training may be required - quite a shock to G who has relied so much a speech for his work - and socialising!

We had a wonderful suprise on yesterday when Penny Laker, a friend from youth club days, popped in to add her conversation and news my waning efforts! A real boost to morale. However, there should have been another visitor as Martin had planned a surprise trip to his father's bedside. This was scuppered by the weather (wrong sort of rain on the lines) and dear South Western Trains who cancelled all trains from Padders to Bristol.

Graeme has received heaps of cards, including one drawn by son-in-law Cole of a Himself in bed with on a drip marked "Gin". To quote Graeme "How well he knows me!" Graeme was also very touched to receive a card from fellow members of the Town Council. We are most grateful for all your calls of well wishing and especially those offering lifts to help with the hospital runs which may be needed for the next stage of treatment.

This morning Graeme strolled round to the Chapel to see what uplifting spirituality was on offer. There were 5 other patients being 'lead' by a female in a slow and dreary rendition of Away in a Manger so he made a hasty retreat! He has yet to be visited by a/the chaplain which is a great disappointment. However the RC officiating chaplain at Yeovilton has offered him home Communion on Wednesday.

Tomorrow should be home-coming day providing the drain has been removed - Hoorah!

(Written Sunday, uploaded Monday)