Well the case conference on my current health situation was - hopefully - held yesterday in Bristol, but I have heard nothing as yet, but hope to do so before the end of the week. It's not that I am that impatient, but obviously I want to crack on with it.
Meantime its been fabulous to hear from a number of old friends and colleagues over the past few doors - none more sweet than the phone call I had this morning from 87 year old Mgr Graham Leonard, who before his "conversion" to the Catholic Church was the Anglican bishop of London and before that of Truro - where he baptised both of my children. We had quite a long chat and it was pure delight to catch-up with him again after a gap of about ten years. He very kindly offered his mass for me today. Isn't that great?
Meanwhile life goes on and I was at work today as usual with Combat Stress visiting clients in Sutton. This evening I went to the cinema to see "Quantum Solace" the latest 007 film. Superbe boy's adventure with action from beginning to end - all rounded of by a very acceptable curry - mmm - yummy.
Tomorrow, Thursday I have a Livery Dinner to look forward to with the Worshipful Company of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers - dust down that old DJ once again and polish-up the medals!