Tuesday Frenchay Hospital, Bristol - dictated to typist Fiona
The first time for a couple of weeks I have felt up to writing the blog. I was home for Mothering Sunday weekend and a grand time was had with the family, however it did little to improve my physical health, sadly. I was back in again on the Monday and for 3 or 4 days the wound on my back was carefully monitored but by the Thursday it was becoming increasingly obvious that surgical intervention was required. So the next day it was back to theatre, the wound was lavaged, cleansed, tidied up and redressed. Since when, I have enjoyed the luxury of a private side room. I’m in considerable pain and discomfort but more anxious about what the future might hold. At the moment I do not have much use of my legs – an MRI scan today disclosed no reason as to why this might be happening. In the meantime and for the first time I have discovered the joys of suppositories and enemas. A number of people kindly offered to come and see me but to be frank facing visitors for the past week or so has been difficult, with all the best will in the world. Hopefully this will change shortly and I will enjoy some nice reunions when stronger. Thanks for all your mail, cards calls etc.