After his spinal operation Graeme has a complete blank of any events on the Friday and Saturday, which is probably not a bad thing, but this includes my visits and that of my sister!!! He does recall the hospital chaplain calling in on Thursday afternoon to give him the Sacraments in preparation for the operation. He has a reasonable recollection of cousin Shirley accompanying me at visiting time on Sunday afternoon and on my Monday evening visit during which he managed more answers to the Times crossword than I did! Having waited for over 2 days in bed to have a chest scan before being got out of bed, the scan has now been cancelled and this afternoon he was moved to a chair by 3 physiotherapists – I mentioned something about ratio of physiotherapists to weight but Graeme didn’t seem to think that was the case!!!! And while we are on the subject he has got some appetite back, not a lot, following 4 days of virtually nil by mouth. Pain is managed by a concoction of drugs administered orally, so he has forty winks at rather regular intervals, and steroids are assisting to keep spinal inflammation down.

The consultant visited this morning and seemed pleased with his handiwork. The plan is still to go ahead with the thyroid op, probably at the beginning of next week and perhaps after a couple of days at home. The wound is healing well and the large padding is hopefully being removed tomorrow.

Graeme was thrilled to have a visit from Shaun Jones (RFA Capt) prior to his deployment on Friday. G says thanks again for all your good wishes and especially to the Livery Company for the beautiful flowers.

Comments on this entry:

  1. best wishes to you both ,I notice no mention of alcohol in this blog ,which is worrying I’m sure it won’t be long before the clink of glasses will be the norm again .We are thinking of you and hope your recovery progresses at pace

    — george · Thursday 12 March, 2009 · #

  2. Dear Graeme & Fiona

    So pleased that Graeme continues to make good progress after the back op. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

    Keep me posted.

    With love.

    — Irene Dougherty · Thursday 12 March, 2009 · #

  3. Sending love and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.xx

    — sarah brown (hunt) · Friday 13 March, 2009 · #