Friday Graeme had his third operation, this time in Frenchay Hospital, and on his spine. The surgeon carried out a decompression and has stabilised the spine with titanium implants - more details I don't know yet as the notes have not reached his file. I assume he will now set off alarms on going through security at airports etc! My dear sister, Claire, came to be with me during the day and then drove to the hospital for evening visiting. Graeme was moving his legs freely - a good sign as there was a 2% chance that he could have lost the use of his legs. He was however still very drowsy from the anaesthetic and morphine pump delivering pain-relief on demand. We have still yet to see how his walking will be.
Today he was feeling rather poorly and nauseas, not surprising with all the trauma which his body has had to contend over the last few months, so conversation was minimal. He wasn’t in pain but uncomfortable from having been lying in bed for more than 24 hours. This evening he is apparently a lot brighter and more talkative.
Many thanks to Claire for looking after me yesterday and for the HUGE amount of support and well-wishing from family and friends.
Hi Geaeme,
As you know, our prayers are with you, also those of Canon Simon and his parish in Moscow.
Love to Fiona, we hope she is getting a rest.
Hope the G&T is at hand.
love and best wishes.
Dick and Brenda
— Dick Bidgood · Sunday 8 March, 2009 · #
I am glad to hear the op went well and that he could move his legs. He is in my thoughts and prayers every day.
Caroline xx
— Caroline Parody · Monday 9 March, 2009 · #
Love, prayers and best wishes to you all from us and all your old friends at St Peter’s.
I am off to Stonehaven tomorrow to see David and the family. Have never written on a blog before, so hope you get this effort!!
Love Janet
— The Conybeare Family · Tuesday 10 March, 2009 · #
Dear Fiona,
I was Graeme’s predecessor as RFA Chaplain and, like him, have retired from the Navy and ‘crossed the Tiber’. I am now living in my native Australia.
Please remember me to him and assure him of my prayers.
He was always a true friend!
Warmest thoughts,
Ben Franklin
— BEN FRANKLIN · Wednesday 11 March, 2009 · #