Graeme had his op at midday today, which lasted approximately 90 minutes, removing a mass about the size of a fist (45 gms). Fortunately the surgeons didn't have to remove as much of the scapula as first thought therefore retaining more movement in the arm/shoulder than initially suggested. So from every aspect the op appears to have been as successful as we could have hoped - even to the size of the wound.While Graeme was on 'the table' the surgeons had a discussion with his oncologist and radiotherapist who hatched a plan to attack the carcinoma on his ribs by a procedure known as “radio oblation”. This will involve him returning to hospital on Monday as a day patient, a probe being inserted under local anesthetic and the tumour being blasted. This is good news as it will give the radio active iodine, when administered, a head start! So all-in-all a useful day in the fight against this cancer. G is in good heart - up and walking in this month’s finest NHS gown. He obviously in some discomfort, which is being well controlled by the excellent staff.
Thursday update
Graeme had a good night following his second operation, but is still in pain from the carcinoma in the rib cage. He may be coming home this evening, depending on blood test results, which is good news! However we are requesting no visitors over the weekend so he can gather his strength for Monday's procedure.
So pleased it all went so well and that Graeme is cheerful. Give him my love when you see him and don’t forget to look after yourself too, Fiona.
— Heather · Thursday 29 January, 2009 · #